Using RxJava with Android

If you’re into Android (and Java) development, there is a good chance you’ve already heard about RxJava, which is a Java implementation of Reactive Extensions developed by Netflix. Reactive Extensions is a library to compose asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators, quoted from the corresponding MSDN site. Netflix made the library available for the public on Github, supporting Java 6 or newer, making it available to use with Android apps as well.

This post is the first in a series about RxJava and Android. It is a tutorial, which will show you how to build a REST API client in Android with RxJava observables (and based on Square’s Retrofit).

Let’s start the example with adding the required libraries to your project. If you’re using gradle, just add the following dependencies to the build script:

    compile ''
    compile 'com.squareup.retrofit:retrofit:1.5.0'

In this post I use the OpenWeatherMap API, which is a free weather data API. It is quite easy to configure, just supply your location (the city name or the geocoordinates) via a query param, see this example. By default it serialises into JSON (but you can switch to XML and HTML as well) accurarcy and the temperature units can also be changed. See more here.

Usually implementing an api call requires the following steps (each with it’s own amount of boilerplate code):

  1. creating the model classes (and supplying annotations if necessary)
  2. implementing the network layer for request / response management, with error handling
  3. writing the code that performs the call in a background thread (usually in some form of an AsyncTask), with a callback function capable of presenting the response on the UI thread

Creating the model classes

The first point can be (partially) automated using JSON-POJO generators like jsonschema2pojo. The model class for the OpenWeather API can be copied from this container.

public class WeatherData {

    public Coordinates coord;
    public Local sys;
    public List<Weather> weathers;
    public String base;
    public Main main;
    public Wind wind;
    public Rain rain;
    public Cloud clouds;
    public long id;
    public long dt;
    public String name;
    public int cod;

    public static class Coordinates {
        public double lat;
        public double lon;

    public static class Local {
        public String country;
        public long sunrise;
        public long sunset;

    public static class Weather {
        public int id;
        public String main;
        public String description;
        public String icon;

    public static class Main {
        public double temp;
        public double pressure;
        public double humidity;
        public double temp_min;
        public double temp_max;
        public double sea_level;
        public double grnd_level;

    public static class Wind {
        public double speed;
        public double deg;

    public static class Rain {
        public int threehourforecast;

    public static class Cloud {
        public int all;


Networking with Retrofit

The second point (implementing the network layer) requires a lot of boilerplate code, however Square’s Retrofit library solves these tasks with only a few lines. You only have to create an interface (with annotated parameters describing the request), then use the RestAdapter.Builder to build the client. Retrofit also takes care of JSON serialisation and deserialisation.

 private interface ApiManagerService {
    WeatherData getWeather(@Query("q") String place, @Query("units") String units);

The HTTP annotation consists of the request method (in this example this is GET, but you can also use POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD with Retrofit) and the relative url (the base url is supplied via the RestAdapter.Builder). The @Query annotation concatenates queryparams into the request; in this call we have a place (the name of the location) and the measurement unit.

Let’s take a look at an actual API call (of course this must be performed in a non-UI thread). The code is pretty self-explanatory:

final RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()

final ApiManagerService apiManager = restAdapter.create(ApiManagerService.class);
final WeatherData weatherData = apiManager.getWeather("Budapest,hu", "metric");

So that’s it, you just created a functioning API call with only a few lines code, congrats! Again, Retrofit is much more powerful than this basic sample; you can read more here.

Going reactive with RxJava

Now let’s jump into the third step: the RxJava-part! This example will show you how to use it for managing async API calls, but this is only one of many possible use-cases, RxJava is capable of much more. Quoted from Netflix’s Github Wiki:

RxJava is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions: a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.

It extends the observer pattern to support sequences of data/events and adds operators that allow you to compose sequences together declaratively while abstracting away concerns about things like low-level threading, synchronization, thread-safety, concurrent data structures, and non-blocking I/O.

It supports Java 5 or higher and JVM-based languages such as Groovy, Clojure, and Scala.

In this post I assume that you have a little knowledge about RxJava. If that’s not true, I strongly recommend reading these two articles and the first few pages of the Netflix Github wiki page before continuing.

In the last part of this example you’ll extend the API manager with the ability to emit observables, then use these to perform n simultaneous calls to the same url with different queryparams.

First, replace the interface you created above with this class:

public class ApiManager {

    private interface ApiManagerService {
        WeatherData getWeather(@Query("q") String place, @Query("units") String units);

    private static final RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
    private static final ApiManagerService apiManager = restAdapter.create(ApiManagerService.class);

    public static Observable<WeatherData> getWeatherData(final String city) {
        return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<WeatherData>() {
            public void call(Subscriber<? super WeatherData> subscriber) {
                try {
                    subscriber.onNext(apiManager.getWeather(city, "metric"));
                } catch (Exception e) {


Let’s take a look at the getWeatherData() method! It returns an Observable, created by an Observable.create() call where you’ll have to implement the Observable.OnSubscribe interface. After subscribed to, the Observable begins work, emitting the results as params in the onNext() function. Since we want these API calls to run parallel, you only do one call in an observable, then finishing with onComplete(). The call() method is also important, this decides what kind of thread to use. Call it with Schedulers.threadPoolForIO() for IO- and network-bound work.

The last step is to perform the API calls. The following code performs parallel async calls to the same base url with different query parameters.

            .flatMap(new Func1<String, Observable<WeatherData>>() {
                public Observable<WeatherData> call(String s) {
                    return ApiManager.getWeatherData(s);
            .subscribe(new Action1<WeatherData>() {
                public void call(WeatherData weatherData) {
                    // do your work

An Observable.from() call on the array containing the city names creates an observable which will emit the Strings in the array on different threads. Then a flatMap() call will transform the emitted Strings into observables; this is where the ApiManager.getWeatherData() call occurs.

Again, subscribe on the I/O threadpool, but in Android, if you want to display the results in the UI, you’ll have to post it on the UI thread, because only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views, as per the popular exception. This can easily be achieved using the observeOn() method with AndroidSchedulers.mainThread(). The subscribe() call triggers the observable and it’s up to the user to define what to do with the result.

This example shows the versatility and robustness of RxJava. Without Rx, you’d need to iterate through each address, creating a new thread, making the API call and posting back to the UI thread on an async callback. Rx allows you to do this with only a few lines of code, with powerful functions to create, combine, filter and transform observables.

RxJava is a great way to utilize concurrency in Android apps, and although it takes some time getting used to, right now I can’t think of a better way of handling async calls. The reactive extensions library is well thought-out, we’ve been using the RxJava implementation in Android apps for a few weeks now (our startup‘s async tasks are completely based on it), and the more you dive into it, the more it will amaze you.

Want more? Check out the follow-up posts for error handling options and Subjects.

  1. “This example shows the versatility and robustness of RxJava. Without Rx, you’d need to iterate through each address, creating a new thread, making the API call and posting back to the UI thread on an async callback.”

    Idk, to me it doesn’t sound to difficult to do it the way you described. It actually seems a bit simpler —

    final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    for (String city : cities) {
    new Thread() {
    @Override public void run() {
    final WeatherData weatherData = ApiManager.getWeatherData(city); Runnable() {
    @Override public void run() {
    // Update UI here

    Am I missing something?

    • andras k said:

      No, your code is perfectly viable. My example is simplified to the minimum, just to show how to use the library for simultaneous API calls. You can do far more complex things with only a few added lines with observables through observable operators (think about nested futures, network error handling / retry, synchronized threads etc.), which would result in a massive amount of (and not to mention chaotic) code, if you’d roll with the classic async way of Android.

      Of course, if the situation isn’t complex enough, your way is OK by far.

  2. Is there a reason you do Action1… instead of Action1? The latter should be valid, since Observable is generic, and it avoids the cast “final WeatherData data = WeatherData.class.cast(o);”

    • andras k said:

      Thanks, you’re right. I don’t know how i could’ve missed this; I’ve modified the code.

  3. Dori said:

    This sounds excellent as reading about RxJava it formalises many approaches I have been using (in my own primitive approach) for a while. I would be interested to know how it can be used to reconnect to running async operations (on android) – much like how robospice works.

  4. Michal said:

    Hi there, thanks for this helpful article. I am trying to get into RxJava on Android now. When I use retrofit’s service method for getting data and pass callback I get the same result, right? Retrofit guarantee me callback will be called on main thread and even sent errors in response if they occur. So for simple API calls such as this why you prefer RxJava? Thanks!

    • andras k said:

      API calls shoud always be wrapped to avoid the NetworkOnMainThreadException.

      • Michal said:

        Ofc they should. That is not answer to my question.

  5. Christian said:

    Very good example, but I just wanna tell you why need conactenate first Observable with the second by mapMany method and not just use the first one?

    • andras k said:

      Thanks! I was merely trying to illustrate how to transform one type of Observable to an other.

  6. onur said:

    Class throws this exception, “rx.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: class android.text.BoringLayout declares multiple JSON fields named mPaint”, how can i solce this?

    • onur said:

      Ok i solved problem my bad

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