
Tag Archives: parallax effect

The so-called parallax effect is common in both web design and in mobile apps, it can be found on the major platforms, from Windows Phone to iOS through Android. According to Wikipedia, Parallax scrolling is a special scrolling technique in computer graphics, wherein background images move by the camera slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth (…). A popular, but not over-used effect, which goes well with a ViewPager and can do wonders with the user experience. The Android SDK doesn’t provide a built-in way to achieve the effect, so I created my own interpretation.

There are already a few solutions to the problem online, but none of them was a perfect match for my needs. GitHub user ChrisJenx’s Paralloid library is a good one, but it doesn’t work with the ViewPager. Most solutions available are based on a custom PagerTransformer, but I tried a different approach by extending the ViewPager and implementing a custom onDraw logic. I wrapped the whole thing into a custom view called ParallaxViewPager, which is available at GitHub and to be used as a Gradle dependency.
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